SFI! My Case Study for success.

My SFI Case Study of what results you can achieve with focusing on your SFI business.
Sign up Today.  I share all new sign ups with my Team Leaders.


First I would like to point out I have not missed a day logging in since 2013.

Second I would like to point out since day one I spend around three hours at SFI daily.
This is why my graph starts in 2013.  As with any business it takes time to build.
Set your goals for the year. Then work towards achieving those goals.
Best Tip! I spent the first year studying and learning all their is to know about SFI.
Gen           2014        Feb 2017     BIG O April 2017   Aug 2018
1 (PSAs)       5                164                            5                 14
2               1860            2522                      1838             1938
3               1089              950                      3704             4886
4                 529              132                      4382             5962
5                   26                  8                      2643             6901
6                    7                                           4364             5383
7                    1                                             973               898 
8                                                                   250               275
9                                                                   466                   6
10                                                                   42   
11                                                                     2   
CSAs           660            599                       675               1254
TOTALS    4176           4375                    19344           27517

With the launch of the Big O! YOU can see my CSA down line has doubled in the last year.
With the launch of team over rides and The Astro Bid. This has boosted my commissions.

Point of Interest.
Today I received an email from one of my SFI team members suggesting that they were giving up.
This did not surprise me as this is a bad habit this member seems to duplicate.
She originally was one of my original SFI Team in 2013.
BUT her mistake she keeps repeating  is giving up in a few months.
Then returning a year later. Yes she has signed up in 2015 given up then returned in 2017.
Given up then returned in 2018. Now she is thinking about giving up again.
THE sad thing is! if she had followed the plan logging in daily to SFI and participating.
Not leaving and rejoining over and over.
She would of produced a similar result as the chart above.
Receiving thousands of dollars if she had not left and followed my advice.

I get no communication E Cards from her. 
She does not reply to my Genealogy Posts.
I have never seen her active within the forum.
She seems just to pay for her Auto Renewal Subscription but does not follow it through with daily actions.
She tends to sign up, then send me all her ideas to her outside programs.
Introducing me to her New Traffic Exchanges she is launching.
I simply reply I am not interested, I am only interested in advertising portholes for SFI Promotions.
How To Achieve EA Monthly.

Start with locking in your Auto Renewal 100 T Credit Package for $29.00.

You save your self $6.00 off the regular price of $35.


You can easily achieve Bronze Team leader with redeeming Rewardicals into VP.

Winning VP with Astro Bids, Playing EZ games etc.

Spend at least an hour daily studying at SFI clicking all Red Tabs turning them green.

Activate Astro Bid then use the moves you win to play the EZ Games.

As you climb the SFI leadership ladder you receive CSA.
Attain EA  rank to receive 10 CSAs each month.

Receive 5 CSAs you get each month you gain BCQ Statis.

SFI can change the rewards of CSA at any time since designing of this article.

Second Home CSA are rewarded monthly.

Example this month I received. 84 CSAs  Find listed on your Score Board at SFI.

Home CSAs will be automatically added to your team, with YOU as their new co-sponsor!

• Receive 1 share if you're a Bronze Team Leader.

• Receive 2 shares if you're a Silver Team Leader.

• Receive 3 shares if you're a  Gold Team Leader.

• Receive 4 shares if you're a Platinum Team Leader.

• Receive 6 shares if you're a Diamond Team Leader.

Remember you are also receiving Team Over Rides from all your PSA Team.

Go to your Genealogy tab. View above. Add up the cash then times it by 4% to get a rough idea.

Lock in your Auto Renewal to this ECA Package.

As a bonus I share spill over of all new signups with our SFI Down line members that lock in.

Earn commissions from all your SFI Team Purchases.
Click the SFI tool box and grab your promotional link with your SFI Id inserted
Be sure to sign up.


Then set aside some time to read.
How to become an EA.
The Plan Leadership climbing.
This could be your growth down the track in 5 years.
Remember your growth will be determined by your participation.
Your CSA growth is determined with the Monthly second home CSA reassignments.


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