Maree Designs Tie-Dye Creations.

I love tie dyeing each garment is unique in each design. Shop online at my Etsy Store. Buy more than one garment receive 10% discount at checkout. Fab prize giveaways and cash back rewards at our Face Book Page. Email me to register to receive our Monthly Newsletter. Monthly be in to win a $100 shopping voucher. Winners announced monthly at our face book group to redeem. Check out these great video's which show some of my creations. I specialise in garments for the fuller figure. I import these tops to keep the cost down. I open up the sides adding muslin and lace to the bottom. They look great baggy on all sizes. Get ready to stand out this summer with these exclusive tie dye pieces, individually designed with a variety of cotton fabrics. Ready to sell at the Brighton seaside market every Saturday Follow my U Tube channel as I list new videos Weekly. https...