Welcome to my Dollar Wise Network.

Welcome to My Dollar Wise Network.

Affiliate marketing is a great way to generate some extra income.
But it will be decided by what programs you join and what programs you promote.
How you wake up and start each morning.  What is the plan you follow daily.
Time is money so use it wisely.

My story is this … Nothing to something within 2 years.

Welcome my name is Maree Wells. I live in Christchurch New Zealand.
I am the Co-Founder and Developer of the Dollar Wise Network. (Established 2009)
I incorporate My On Line Programs to Generate a real income on line.

In order to make a lot of money online you need a product every online marketer needs!

Start your on line journey with Our Dollar wise network TODAY.
The Internet lifestyle is a great way to generate a real income on-line.
The MAIN REASON most people fail online is due to the fact that two very important elements are missing:   Skills and Hard Work.

Our Dollar Wise Network REMOVES this.

Almost all of the online opportunities are perfect.
Most CAN generate an income for you.
But there is only one little problem: All of the online opportunities require

 “Team Work”  “Honest Admin.” “Payments”  “Guide Lines To Follow”

That means it’s NOT enough for you to too simply sign up, sit back and wait for the cash to roll in..  YOU need to be Introducing your promotional links to The On Line World.
Just imagine what it would be like to follow a program and have your own online income;
This is what Our Dollar Wise Network offers you:
The opportunity to start generating a real income! Working From Home.


After the Christchurch Earthquake in 2011. 

I started to research the wonders of on line marketing.
Wow were my eyes opened wide, to all the scams and outright brides online to try and get me to spend.  
In 2015 I decided to invest thousands of dollars in launching my own scripts to support all my teams and friends.
The Dollar Wise Blue Print is and always will be an absolutely bestseller!
Our Dollar Wise Network Consists of 4 “Instant Commission” Traffic Resources!
Just Use Each Source To Get Commissions From The Other 3...


Creating yourself a "Perpetual Feedback Loop" Of Traffic & Instant Commissions Today!  Start generating a Real Income Online WITH Numerous Income Resources...
As your TEAM Duplicate the SAME SYSTEM...
Admins Fiverr Store.  Supplier of digital downloads relating to affiliate marketing set up.
Admins ECA Store.    Supplier of Kiwi Fashion, digital downloads.
I am A Team Leader, online coaching guru  +  Mentor.

My Mission is to Show You How To Transform Your Home Business Online.
Unique! Complete A-Z online business Setup in a box.
Lets plug you into our team and show you how to generate a real income online.

Join us daily at www.dwsearner.com  In to win with Fab Prize Giveaways. DWSEarner  is our one stop work station and communication port hole.

When you logged into DWSEarner.  Did you read the entire Home Page.
Or did you simply skim through the material provided.
Are you one of the 90% that scroll down to the bottom of each email you receive,
without absorbing all the information provided.
Then wonder why you are not moving forward.
Rules for success. Log in and read the entire Home Page Introduction.
START with generating your Social and Profile Pages.
Click above Accounts > Social Profile > Profile page.

Add the links with your promo wall link to your advertising.
Click Above Ads > Websites.  Participating with Admin Watch Daily.
Make sure to fill in the down line builder.
Click above Affiliate > Down line builder.

Promote DWSEarner at these sites, generating numerous different income resources.
I Repeat this day in day out, which can be quite tedious and boring.

You need daily structure to be a success with team building and generating any sort of income. 
Flicking here there and everywhere will not move you forward.
For every new site you join and decide to upgrade with.
YOUR Sponsor will benefit the rewards.  
Earning credits for your surfing and commissions from your spending.
My Pet Hate is all the emails I receive from Serial Admin.  

These are admin that launch a new Traffic Exchange every few months.

Years ago I use to trust so many Admin and join every new program they recommended.

Until it dawned on me one day that the only member benefiting was the person launching the new program.   That they provided nothing new, their old site had turned stale with no signups, so they were not generating sales. So instead they lauched another site identical to the first, the only difference being was the name,  just another quick money grabbing scheme, with no future security.

I discovered very quickly years ago not to believe all the false hype on line.
I got sick and tired of all the investments I had made, to find within a few months the sites had disappeared with all my cash.

Or Worse still! Took my money to never be heard from again.

Learn all there is to know about Bitcoin. I have designed numerous videos and training articles sourced from all my studies in the back offices of the sites I will introduce you to.   www.trafficmarketerpro.com 

Learn all there is to know about Affiliate Marketing. I have designed numerous videos and training articles sourced from all my studies in the back offices of the sites I will introduce you to.   www.mareedesigns.com

 Learn all there is to know about Down line building Leveraging your income while advertising your main business. I have designed numerous videos and training articles sourced from all my studies in the back offices of the sites I will introduce you to. www.abc4income.com


Receive Cash Back Rewards when shopping at my  Fiverr Store. 


Find at my Fiverr Store all the tools and marketing materials required to start your on line Journey.  

Interested In Becoming a Selling Partner! Share My Fiverr Store Gigs.

*  Training modules for everything Affiliate marketing related.

*  Bitcoin Monthly Subscriptions at Our Network Family Of Sites.

*  Cash Back Rewards with sharing My Fiverr Retail Store Gigs.

Cash Making money on line is easy when you know how.

Garys Observation:  SFI signups are like lottery ticket buyers.

They truly believe they can do nothing and get millions.

We know that that isn't true. 

We know hard work and dedication to the task will bring profits.

We know the tools we have do work, and if implemented, bring positive results.

These things brought me to your Team.  You teach, I learn.  We profit.






$500 or More weekly.  Don't think its possible?
You either have the wrong business or... It's a good day to expand your vision!
Sure - it will take some work. Are you up for the challenge?

Follow My Online Daily Work Schedule.


They say take care of your business until your business can take care of you.
Before the Christchurch Earthquakes in 2011.
I owned my own business off line.
My expenses to set up this business in the beginning, were in the thousands.
I did not break even with the initial outlay of setting up my business for at least three years.
So Yes My Dollar Wise Blue Prints gives all my members an amazing on line working program to start their journey at a fraction of the cost.

Listen to my video.

Then be sure to visit my Fiverr Store. Lock in and start your journey today.



 Let me introduce you to my  Step by Step Formula that will guide you every step of the way. On how to start selling any product On Line Successfully.
Adding your individual flavor to PDF Files I will design for you. 

Receive comprehensive training, lifetime coach mentoring.

24/7 access to any questions you may have.
You will receive a welcome email once locked in the gig, inserted will be a link to register to receive my System flow introduction builder, boot camp training series.

Put your authentic stamp to your email marketing articles.

Start with basic, complete the training series.  Receiving 10% Cash back rewards.
Then return and purchase the standard.  Receiving 20% Cash back rewards. Rinse Wash Repeat returning and purchase the Premium gig. Receiving 30% Cash back rewards.
Share this video with everyone, earning as they lock in any fiverr gig at my store.
They will duplicate the same system, you will benefit as they are already in your DWSEarner Down line.  

Work at your own pace, designing your business cash flow forecast.

As you develop new ideas then return and lock in the standard or premium gig.
Depending on how many pages you have written and wish to be transferred into a working PDF File.
When designing your PDF file draft copy to send to me.
Each page can contain one small photo to insert, I will pick this already from my photo file. Each page must not consist of more than approx 14 lines per page.
Do not stress, send me your ideas if struggling and I can fill in the gaps.

Bonus. When you purchase the basic gig . You may request any PDF File attached with the newsletters you receive for One Month.  Standard two months and Premium three months  Then offer expires.
YOU must have an active fiverr gig when requesting any PDF Files from any newsletters you receive after that.

Ideal for our members setting up their own traffic exchanges.
Send me an email to request the code for the video to add to your home page.

You can use these PDF Files to promote ANY product having to do with internet marketing or making money online. 
When you are reading any PDF File and it catches your attention, as it covers the same topics you wish to discuss. 
YOU find! You would like a similar PDF file to  introduce an idea you have developed, or introduction to your new traffic exchange etc.  

Send me an email and lets get those thought written down into a digital down load PDF File.



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Saturday Shopping At Brighton Market.

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Maree Designs. One Of A Kind Fashion

Maree Designs Selling Online.

Maree Designs Tie-Dye Creations.

Maree Designs On Line Side Hustles.

Online shopping