GDI Power Of Three.

What is BETTER than 1,000 active GDI referrals?
5-20 CURRENT Group referrals in your Power Of Three Team Builder.
Everyone knows that you make money at GDI Daily by participating and promoting and getting referrals....   But what if ALL the new members who joined after you went under you?   Well, that is EXACTLY what happens When you follow Our Power Of 3.!

As the world continues to change, your business has to adapt quickly.
I reassign new GDI Signups to all our members once they have remained
Active for two months.  This sorts out the time wasters and free loaders.
Traffic Wave get your first sign up then receive spillover from our cooperative promotions.

Sign up to these three programs.
"A leader can shape his followers best by showing them the way forward rather than telling them about it."

I have generated thousands of dollars over the years with GDI.

Are you currently in GDI and Going No where?
This recruiting system works the best for building an Online Presence Today with the uncertain times ahead.  They say it will take years to boost our economy back to pro Covid 19 Levels.  During this Covid 19 Pandemic I decided to revamp our Power Of Three GDI Program.  We all use the easy GDI Webmaster to design our Introduction To Our Online Programs.  No more struggling on your own.  View the easy to follow videos I have designed.
We all work together as one. Send a message to your GDI sponsor to see if they have spare signups to share with you,

Watch your investment and down line grow larger year in year out. 

Register FREE to Receive Training Articles.

Others try to duplicate GDI and My Dollar Wise Network Blue Print, but never achieve the same success.  Disappearing into the night in a few short months with all their members hard earned cash.  I have found when communicating with people at GDI ETC.  That many had signed up with GDI years ago then left.  WHY because they lacked the knowledge or support from their sponsor on the TRUE VALUE OF GDI. 

Learn How To Utilize Your FREE Domain.  

The key is not to get side tracked with promises of wealth and fortune. It never happens. 

SO sad giving up before even starting. 

GET TO KNOW YOUR TEAM! Show full support to all members.
Patience is a Virtue. Remember it takes time promoting and participation to build your business.  You will then start to create quite a snowball effect.
YOUR earnings will grow larger. Month by Month Year by Year.
Duplicate the same system for any CORE BUSINESS YOU WISH TO EXPAND.
Any issues, please contact me Via a message within the back office at GDI.


Communicating with GDI down line.  

 Log into GDI                                        

Left Click Down line. Below the Green Writing Other Options.  

You will see Grey Boxes.
Contact your Down Line:  Click this.
Where it says  Subject. Enter.  Support from (XXXX your name here.) your GDI Sponsor in NZ
This is an example of a Post I send.
Copy and paste changing my SFI Id to yours.

Welcome to my GDI Team.
I use GDI for the domain. Best Monthly $10 Investment.
This gives my SFI down line a training website to view when I am off line.
As long as you keep your domain active.
YOU will have access to my Dollar Wise training links I keep updated.
Team Support is the key to success.  View and duplicate my Web Pages. 

This is how I exploded my SFI down line to over 5578 combined Psa and Csa with in 11 months in 2013.  Achieving Platinum Team Leader Monthly and Level 5 in the Leadership SFI Challenges.

True 24/7 support for all your down line when off line, giving them access to your Cash Generating Website.
   YES GDI is great for earning.
Simple $1 earnings can add up and be paying you $100's monthly.
Works for me.
Need help reply to this email.
24/7 support.
Click Grey Box Send message to down line.
All done.

Move GDI Down Line.

Left Click Down line. Below the Green Writing Other Options.  You will see Grey Boxes.
Click and view the down line members you can move. Supporting your team.
CLICK move down line members.
A list will appear like this.
Movable Members
Days Left to Move  Customer Name     Username     Start Date         Email     Telephone        Trial Domains
Tick the box here of the members you wish to move.
Then below this list.  It will show a list of Down line you can move these new members to.
Then tick here the member you are moving these new members to.
Confirm Down line Move
Tick the box to confirm you read and understand the terms.
Click the Grey Box.  Confirm MOVE>  

Teams Activity. 

Click Down load Tree Format to see your Teams Activity.
It really is quite sad to see that members give up before even starting. 
Expecting returns within the first month.  Instead of seeing the Long Term Plan.
Down line Legend
Green         Active
Blue         Trial
Yellow    Special Trial
Thorn        Inactive
Grey         Deactivated

Duplicate these Team Emails. 

I find it takes 2-3 emails to produce results.
New GDI Sign ups Welcome email.
Remember change my links etc to yours.
Welcome to GDI. Support from your Sponsor Maree in New Zealand.
Welcome to GDI support from Maree your Sponsor
My name is Maree Wells. Welcome.
I have been a member with GDI since 2009.
Start generating a real income working from home.

Copy My System -- Earn Big Commissions.
An hour a day will send money your way.

It really is quite sad to see that members give up before even starting.
Expecting returns within the first month. Instead of seeing the Long Term Picture.
You earn commissions 5 levels deep. GDI Bonus.
Fact. 1000's of new sites launch daily. Only a few will still be on line in six months time.
Others try to duplicate SFI and GDI, but never achieve the same results.
I have done all the donkey work for you.
With these two business opportunities you can earn lots of cash. SFI teamed with GDI.
Why do we need anything else? All you need to do is get active and promote.
There is NO opportunity where you will DO NOTHING and make lots of cash.
To earn a true, residual income for life, just like I do, this is what is needed: effort, some money, time and lots of promoting!
I suggest to set up a new G Mail Account so it is clutter free and you never miss my updates and broadcasts.

Cheers Maree.
GDI Rank.  2 Diamond Premier Executive.
Watch your investment and down line grow larger year in year out. 

Register FREE to Receive Training Articles. 

Daily Planner We All Follow.

1...  Surf 50 0r View 50 Banners at Maree Designs. 
Use the social share buttons daily at Maree Designs.
Check Emails and send all unwanted emails to your spam folder. Keeping a tidy inbox.
Surf 50 at Traffic Marketer Pro Daily.... 
View ABC4Income for all training videos and articles if with SFI.
Log into ABC4Income and TMP  go to the down line builder Page. 
Safe Lists Be sure to sign up with a second G Mail Account.

Update all members Via Back Office at all Down line builder Sites. Weekly Send Emails.
  Check in Often to our Face Book Group.  Give the GDI Page A LIKE.

10.  Support local community shopping at Maree Designs and Triple Clicks. 

GET TO KNOW YOUR TEAM! Show full support to all members.
Patience is a Virtue. Remember it takes time promoting and participation to build your business.
You will then start to create quite a snowball effect.
YOUR earnings will grow larger. Month by Month Year by Year.
All the proof you need. View my SFI Badges. I have been using GDI to design my SFI training pages since 2013.
Duplicate the same system for any CORE BUSINESS YOU WISH TO EXPAND.
Any issues, please contact me Via a message within the back office at GDI. 

The beauty is I use GDI solely for the Domain to design my Training Articles. 

I see the commissions earned as an extra bonus.

Check Out My ECA Store To Jump Start Your Income.   Learning while earning. 


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