Traffic Wave Communications.
Welcome I have been a member with Traffic Wave Since 2014.
Using them for Team Communication and Training.
Start your Remote online business with joining Traffic Wave TODAY.
The Corona Virus is here and spreading.
I designed this letter in 2020. Now January 2021 in NZ we had been Covid free in our community since September 2020. BUT SADLY we now have three Covid cases in the community. WILL WE GO INTO LOCK DOWN I do not know but I am getting prepared with updating my Traffic Wave Campaigns.
THE BEAUTY is no matter if in lock down I AM ABLE to still run my REMOTE Online Business with Traffic Wave Communications.
Register FREE to receive my boot camp training series.
Once you have signed up to Traffic Wave Log into the back office.
Hover your mouse at the left to open the training index.
Start at the top and work your way down through the list.
Click account settings and fill in your details.
Click Affiliate Manager to generate your Sales Page Link. Click Promotional Tools.
Visit the Video Library and watch the video creating your first Auto Responder campaign. The key to success is to take your time learning via these videos.
Weekly View your Affiliate Manager and Email your referrals.
You can find a list of the codes to set up your campaigns at my Traffic Wave Training page designed at GDI.
Click the home icon and under Auto Responder CLICK Campaign Overview.
To view and alter letters. Or to design a new letter.
Click the flash bolt of lightning at the left to open the campaign you wish to send a letter from. A box will open Click VIEW LETTERS.
Select the letter you wish to change. A box will open CLICK Edit Letter.
This will take a while to get your head around things. Practice makes PERFECT.
The letter is now open. To change size etc. Run your mouse over the words you wish to change. It will now be highlighted blue.
Select the icon above Example B to make BOLD.
Select the Size, when you click size a box will appear left click on the size you desire.
Top Left Where it reads Subject Line! Enter the Title of your Letter.
To add a photo from your computer REMEMBER to keep it small.
Left click where you wish to insert photo.
Above click the picture icon. Click Browse Server to add your photo.
Click uploaded images to add or use existing photo.
Simply left click the photo you wish to add then click the choose tab top left.
To add a new banner etc click the upload tab top left wait for a box to open
Select from your computer Desk top the file your pictures are saved to.
Left click the photo you wish to add then bottom right click the open tab.
Once you are happy with your Letter. Click Save Letter.
HOW to broadcast weekly Campaign Letters.
Click the flash bolt beside the letter you wish to broad cast.
A Box will open. Click at the right under where it reads broadcast.
Click where it reads click to set date. Then simply click the date on the page you see.
At the bottom left click Schedule Broad Cast then wait.
Apply for your Skrill account to receive commissions paid to your bank account.
With having an active Skrill account I also receive commissions from
Be sure to set up your banners to blast Traffic Wave Promotions here. I have been a member since 2010. Advertising on Auto Pilot.
Traffic Wave Monthly Compensation Plan! Updated August 17th 2020.
Your Team: Sales: We Pay: You Make:
Level One Sales 3 $6.00 $18.00
Level Two Sales 9 $1.00 $9.00
Level Three Sales 27 $1.00 $27.00
Level Four Sales 81 $1.00 $81.00
Level Five Sales 243 $1.00 $243.00
Level Six Sales 729 $1.00 $729.00
Level Seven Sales 2,187 $1.00 $2,187.00
Level Eight Sales 6,561 $1.00 $6,561.00
Level Nine Sales 19,683 $1.00 $19,683.00
Level Ten Sales 59,049 $1.00 $59,049.00
TOTAL: 88,572 Members Earning Goals $88,587.00
NOTE: Instead of flicking here there and every where.
Before you know it you are spending hundreds of dollars Monthly.
Thousands Yearly with no results.
Concentrate on teaming Traffic Wave with Your Main Core Business.
Mine are SFI. Maree Designs. Traffic Marketer Pro. ABC4Income and GDI using traffic wave for communications.
This video was designed before 2021 when Traffic Wave Updated their back office.
Click Campaign then the flash bolts beside the letters on the Home Page.
Same instructions. Have video open in a second browser window to refer to.
Join Our Face Book Group.
The Weekly Compensation Plan!
No Gimmicks! No Bells & Whistles!
No False Promises! No Lies!
This is Not a "Team Build." I just want to prove to you that you can make money online!
All you have to do is take the 30 day free trial and examine my offer thoroughly.
I believe you will immediately see the benefits this system provides to the person who has a strong desire to become financially independent.
Will This Happen Overnight! No! But, as you strive to reach your goal of filling this matrix, you will make some very good money along the way, and if you stick with it (diligently) you can realistically create a substantial amount of money within 12 to 24 months.
Affiliates Get Every Marketing Tool They Will Ever Need to Build a 5-Figure Business. That's right! You will receive a professional marketing suite of tools to build any business of your choice. Some of our members join us just to use our tools to build various types of businesses. Others join to make money with our lucrative affiliate program. Any way you look at it we have a 20+ year track record for helping people make money; and we can help you!
Set your goal to participate with our power of three project.
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