
Showing posts from April, 2021


 2021 is going to rock as I design Splash Pages for all my Clients. I have spent a few weeks designing splash web pages with a Banner Intro and Video where I insert the clients sales link into the end of the video. How many times have you gone to promote an affiliate program at Traffic Exchanges or at Face book.  For the link to be declined. NOW I solve all these issues with designing Personalized Splash Pages.  Purchase your Splash Page design at my Etsy Store.   Then send me an email with the name of the Splash Page you wish designed plus your Sales Gateway Link You Wish To Be inserted into the end of the video..  I Change My Sales Link To Yours Ideal for new Cottage Industries.  I can design your Personalized Splash Page to introduce your products you sell online.  View My Example For My Maree Designs Fashion.   Order Code  MDF Personal   Send me your 768 Banner plus quick Introduction to your business to add to your S


Welcome learn all there is to know on how to use Face Book To Its Full Potential. Listen to these two videos I designed way back in 2017 when I launched my first Face Book Groups.   Join our Face Book Groups for community communication and support. Check in often as I list news about Mighty 101. For all SFI updates and news.  Free bonus I share signups with My SFI PSA Team that have an active auto renewal at my ECA Store.     Click the U Tube Icon and be sure to subscribe FREE . Find the links to join our DWSEarner Network of sites on the Page. Post daily at ApSense & ABC4Income. Online communication is the life line of your business. Set aside one day to set up your Face Book Group and Profile.       For all Bitcoin news and Traffic Marketer Pro updates. http://www.fa


Welcome to Maree Designs. I have been busy in 2021 designing and setting up a Maree Designs Sales Representative Program for Fellow Kiwi Members. Simply show my Trade Me and Etsy Store to everyone earning cash back rewards from all sales.   Follow Maree Designs At Tik Tok   User Name  Mareedesigns